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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default WWT Philly Cheesesteak

On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 18:29:53 -0500, Andy <q> wrote:

>sf said...
>> You've heard that all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles
>> are squares?

>Yup! That's fact!!!
>Then of course there's the golden rectangle. Based on a perfect square!

Stop now.... or you'll make my head hurt. There are so many things I
don't know and not enough time to learn it.

>But I think back and the Kobe beef IS cattle, not aged cow or steer, so
>there i stand corrected. But the Kobe beef raised in America DOES go back
>to Japan. No telling how American style Kobe beef are raised. Please

AFAIC, beef is shipped to Japan as American Waygu and comes back as
Japanese Kobe. I'm not a fountain of information though.

I've only eaten Kobe beef once in my lifetime.... and that was because
it was sent to a fellow dorm student by his parents in Japan. I
didn't think it tasted different from any other decent beef. At the
time, I wasn't into rating marbling, but I think I would have noticed
if it looked as fatty as what's pictured in the site I'm going to
quote from.... so in retrospect, I don't know what the true story was.
Maybe he was just trying to impress his friends, maybe it was the
truth. In any case, he made us a nice meal and we enjoyed it. That's
what really mattered anyway.
And true Kobe beef? Overrated. At ten times the price because the cow
was raised on expensive land eating expensive Japanese grain and beer,
the quality is not noticeably better than ordinary Wagyu beef that
grades out to super-prime. About those legendary cow massages? It's in
part because they don't have enough room to exercise in a normal
paddock. American and Australian raised Wagyu cattle that get the
oleaginous feed and a well designed exercise program grade out just
fine, and I doubt even the most discerning palate could tell the
difference if the grade was the same.

>How about a couple games of shuffleboard instead?

LOL! That's a lot more fun than debating the finer points of American
Wagyu beef vs. Japanese Kobe beef.


Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. Groucho Marks