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Blair P. Houghton Blair P. Houghton is offline
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Posts: 1,730
Default Chocolate Mint Ice Cream

Bob Terwilliger > wrote:
>Bryan wrote:
>>> To *my* tastes, homemade ice cream is the best available, followed by Dr.
>>> Bob's, then by Ben & Jerry's.

>> B&J's is drastically inferior. Look at their ingredients. Look at
>> their calories from fat.
>> Seriously, compare the labels side-by-side and you'll see.

>Seriously, do some thinking about the concept of "personal taste" and then
>shut the **** up.

He could do some taste comparisons. That'd shut him
the **** up.

Haagen Dazs is a made up name for an ice cream that was
developed by marketing formulists back before there were any
premium ice creams.

Then people who knew what ice cream really was got
themselves some marketing geeks to help sell their stuff.

Now HD is probably the 5th or 6th best ice cream in any
case it appears in.
