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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default Chocolate Mint Ice Cream

Bryan got all defensive:

>>>> To *my* tastes, homemade ice cream is the best available, followed by
>>>> Dr. Bob's, then by Ben & Jerry's.

>>> B&J's is drastically inferior. Look at their ingredients. Look at
>>> their calories from fat.
>>> Seriously, compare the labels side-by-side and you'll see.

>> Seriously, do some thinking about the concept of "personal taste" and
>> then shut the **** up.

> Look at the ingredients, dumb****. B&J has reduced their % of
> butterfat because bozos like you continue to buy it anyway. They do
> it because butterfat costs more than whatever they thicken cheap ice
> creams with, mostly carageenan.
> Maybe you should think about the concept of consumers who are too
> stupid to know the difference.

I suppose your ire is caused by having your stupidity exposed so publicly.
Go back and think some more about the concept of "personal taste" -- I mean
really THINK about it -- and then reflect on how stupid it is to claim that
one ice cream is "better" than another. It's not a question of butterfat,
it's a question of WHICH TASTES BETTER. I speak from the position of someone
who has DONE a personal taste-test. You seem to be speaking as if you think
you're the taste-arbiter for all of humanity, but I'm guessing you've never
even TRIED the ice cream you seem so eager to malign.
