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Becca Becca is offline
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Default Another McDonald's Lawsuit

Paul M. Cook wrote:

> always have temperature controls. The brewing water was 190F and the heat
> pad temperature was usually around 150 or so. Plus or minus 5 degrees.
> That was the way it was done wherever I worked. The coffee really cools off
> very fat especially while it is dripping into the pot from the brew basket.
> To keep it at 190 or 200 meant that the water would evaporate very quickly
> and the coffee would have a terrible burned taste. People would send it
> back and the whole pot would get tossed.
> Paul

Most of Mrs. Liebeck's award of $2.9 million, was in punitive damages,
because McDonald's chose to ignore the court order, for them to lower
the temperature of their coffee. Her attorney's found several cases,
where McDonald's was ordered by the courts to lower the temperature of
their coffee. This appeared to anger the jury, because McDonald's
refused to listen to repetitive court orders and they refused to look
out for the best interest of their customers (over 700 cases of burns
from McDonald's coffee). The judge reduced the amount to $640,000, but
I believe they settled for an amount less than that.
