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Gunner[_6_] Gunner[_6_] is offline
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Posts: 164
Default do you know the grades of meat?

"Kswck" > wrote in message
> "Kswck" > wrote in message
> ...
>> The few times I have had meats from Walmart they have been rather tough.
>> Eye round was shoe leather-yeah, I know it should be braised.
>> Skirt steak tasted like broiled jerky.
>> Are there any types of meats that are better than others from Walmart;
>> any to really stay away from?

> Thank you for your responses. It confirmed my suspicions anyway

If so, do you know what you are buying? The low grade Choice perhaps? Lots
of talk about here among the experts about price and quality but never a
mention of the grade. You got to compare the price of apples to apples
before you bash and understand what you are talking about. I am not a fan
of Walmart by any means yet I have not seen an honest comparasion or a
rudimentary understanding of meats, just internet hype and BS talk so far.
You could change your title to Does Safeway or Kroger, or Piggly Wiggly...
really have good..... and say the exact same thing so far. You are bashing
the big guy, but you really don't know why do you? Blah, blah, blah.
Even the local little guy and local chains selling from the tailgate of the
few Packing houses will screw ya.

Wake up and see the big picture, it ain't just Walmart