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Default Don't let meat or mayo get warm

On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 02:40:47 GMT, Sylvia
> wrote:

>How big a risk to your children's health is acceptable to you? Sure not
> every mayonnaise that gets warm grows poisonous bacteria, but some
>does. There are enough risks to my kids' health that I can't control,
>but by gum I'm going to minimize what I can -- and letting meat or mayo
>get warm is one risk I can eliminate.

I think the question is one of "acceptable" risk. Commercial mayo is
made with pasturized eggs (eliminating for the most part, the risk of
salmonalla). Most egg warnings have to do with uncooked home prep.
Even with helmets, which seem like a good idea, kids on bikes can/will
suffer injuries. If some fall while climbing a tree, one could cut
down all trees. I'm amazed that, in this era of litigation for
*everything* that schools are still allowed to have sports programs --
surely concussions, drowning, broken limbs, etc. are ever present
dangers. Can't fault keeping "hot foods hot and cold foods cold," but
unless one follows one's kids around, who knows when they're going to
trade PB&J for tuna salad? On one hand, I think we moderns are
over-fussy about various 'safety' concerns. OTOH, I understand why
some want to sterilize and/or pad everything a child comes in contact
with. Minimizing risks is reasonable and thoughtful; eliminating them
is impossible and fidgetty.