Another McDonald's Lawsuit
Boron Elgar wrote:
> >>
> >> The vehicle wasn't moving. Go read up on it.
> >
> >
> >If the car was not moving, how did it get from the drive thru window to
> >where they claimed they stopped momentarily. I can just imagine. They are
> >driving a long.... hold it a sec, I have to add the creamer.... come to a
> >full stop. the story just doesn't add up. What sort of a moron tries to
> >hold a styrofoam cup of coffee between their knees?
> Probably the same sort of moron who spouts off about a lawsuit he
> knows nothing about.
So sue me. If you get the same idiots on a jury you might win. I had read
up on it the last time it was discussed.
Things we learned from the case..... coffee is hot..... the lady held a
styrofoam cup between her knees..... surprise surprise the cup spilled.
Read a little more and you will see the reason the award was slashed was
because some of the "facts" presented were wrong.