Thread: Help, please
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Rik Brown[_13_] Rik Brown[_13_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default Help, please

merryb;1334121 Wrote:
> Ok, I need help! I've been reading all the complaints about Google, so
> can someone kindly point me to a different source so I can participate
> without Google? Excuse my ignorance, but using a computer is still
> pretty new to me, and this is all I know!! I'm still trying to learn,
> and most of you are very helpful. Someone had posted about a free
> server the other day, but I can't remember where it was!! If someone
> can help me out a little, then I can get away from your beloved
> Google Thanks!!

I use which is free and has built in spam filters. I love

Rik Brown
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