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Blair P. Houghton Blair P. Houghton is offline
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Default Chocolate Mint Ice Cream

The Truthful Assh0le > wrote:
>On Aug 14, 12:15 am, Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
>> Haagen Dazs is a made up name for an ice cream that was
>> developed by marketing formulists back before there were any
>> premium ice creams.
>> Then people who knew what ice cream really was got
>> themselves some marketing geeks to help sell their stuff.

>But unlike B&J, they haven't started putting in crap to save on
>ingredient costs.

What's "reserve" about mix-ins?

HD is a pretentious pile of marketing dreck.

>> Now HD is probably the 5th or 6th best ice cream in any
>> case it appears in.

>Boy, you must shop at stores with huge varieties of ice cream brands.
>So tell me, what nationally known brand is better? How about Edy's/
>Dreyer's, who put in "chocolate" chips made with vegetable
>shortening? Breyer's, thickened with tara gum to avoid using as much
>expensive butterfat? You tell me. Back up your claim. Name 5 or 6.

Breyer's has always been icy crap.

Dreyer's is better, and I don't buy their chocolate chip.
Ben and Jerry's is better by a ton.
Bluebell is definitely better.
The stuff in the Dove bars is better.
There are several small gelato companies stocking locally.

There's never any need to stoop to buying Haagen Dazs.
