Chocolate Mint Ice Cream
The Truthful Assh0le > wrote:
>On Aug 14, 12:07 am, Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
>> The Truthful Assh0le > wrote:
>> >Actually Haagen-Dazs makes a Mint Chip. There is no way on Earth that
>> >anyone is going to make better ice cream than Haagen-Dazs.
>> Besides just about everyone.
>And YOU are going to back that up with a nice list, aren't you?
Did it.
>> >Their Black Raspberry Chip is the best ice cream ever.
>> Anecdotal.
>Of course. There is no objective "best" of anything, right?
Wrong. Your teachers taught you wrong if you believe that.
>> You've never had Ben & Jerry's Dastardly Mash.
>Of course I have, though not in a long time. I've also recently had
>Breyer's and Edy's, and even a couple of Klondike bars.
>Truth is, B&J's standards are low enough that they put VEGETABLE
>SHORTENING in at least one of their flavors. Thanks, Unilever!
And Haagen Dazs chocolate tastes like motor oil