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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,640
Default Another McDonald's Lawsuit

Boron Elgar wrote:
> >
> >She was taking the lid off a paper cup of hot coffee which was sitting
> >between her legs. That she put it there in the first place was risky, no
> >matter if it were 10 degrees cooler or not?

> I advise you, too, to read up on the case. The court found her
> partially responsible for her injuries.

You are starting to sound like a parrot. Goomba doesn't need to read up on
the case because that is what your own cited reference indicated. She held
it between her knees while she took the top off. That is when the coffee
slopped all over her lap and scalded her and that is why she was scalded.