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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Too close for comfort...

In article >, sf wrote:

> >I'm such a primitive. ;-)

> Yes, you are.... either that or you really want a new set of dishes
> every year.
> So either you're really primitave or really, really smart!

Why do you say a new set of dishes?
Hand-washing them does not hurt them!

We chip or drop/break a dish or bowl only on a very rare basis, and
that's usually one that gets knocked off the counter or some other
equally silly accident. ;-)

I can only think of 2, maybe 3 times where I have broken something
washing it.

I don't break my spectacles when I hand-clean them either, altho' I
finally put a Lanyard on the new pair since they were so bloody
expensive this time.

$430.00 out of pocket. :-(

I still am going to have to look at a pair of OTC reading glasses for
the computer screen...
Peace, Om

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