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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Easy Cheese Biscuits

Goomba38 wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:


> Delicious! I can taste and smell that ham...I like mine with a bit of
> honey mustard, Boli! The ham went on the biscuits, I take it? I couldn't
> tell what they were at first but this makes sense now!
> How'd I miss all those photos before? They're tucked into various
> recipes and links?

Yup. There are plenty of them in the Cook-in section, and quite a few in
Tips 'n Tricks section too. There are not as many in the Signature Dish
section as I would like, but people don't always have a camera handy...
Seeing what a dish looks like plated is always nice.

I am hoping that Christine Dabney will be "clicking-away" at her cook-in
that's coming up very shortly in NM <hint, hint> - it should make a nice
addition to the site for those people who would like to to attend, but
Chatty Cathy

Garlic: the element without which life as we know it would be impossible