Thread: Help, please
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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default Help, please

On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 22:44:06 -0700, sf wrote:

>On Tue, 14 Aug 2007 21:32:17 -0500, notbob > wrote:
>>On 2007-08-15, Steve Wertz > wrote:
>>> The Netscape browser does not include email or news client
>>> software.

>>Netscape, as old timers remember it, is pretty much a dead horse. It
>>was purchased by AOL, so we know what that's now worth.
>>> There is Mozilla Suite or Seamonkey for that integrated
>>> browser/email/news 'experience'.

>>That should read, "Mozilla Suite, which has been renamed Seamonkey,
>>for...." Both Seamonkey, the suite, and Firefox and Thunderbird,
>>separate browser and mail client apps, are direct decendents of the
>>old Netscape and will make ol' "scapers" feel right at home. Either
>>are a great choice for Windows users who know better than to actually
>>use IE or OE.

>I use an old version of Agent. I tried the latest version less than a
>year ago and it took me an entire month to configure it to my liking.
>That's why I didn't upgrade (which would have meant buying it again).
>I'm not going to give monetary support to something that complicated
>with so many features I don't want.

you have a slightly newer version of agent than i do. i tried to
upgrade a little and was also ****ed that they wanted me to pay full
price again. but this one is o.k., with the addition of newsproxy for
some additional killfile capabilities. i would definitely stay away
from any browser-based reader.

your pal,