Thread: Rising??
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Default Rising??

Samartha Deva > wrote in message
> It seems that people like Julie want an instant solution with sourdough
> - give me the recipe or tell me how it works so I get the result I want.
> Then, when one asks for more details what is happening, what caused the
> issue, they drop the ball or do the yeast thing.
> You did not answer the question if you get a denser dough with a
> punchdown after the dimple test shows it's baking time.
> Samartha

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I don't know how you came to the conclusion that by asking questions
"People like Julie "
want an instant solution. I haven't even gotten a starter that is fit
to use yet. I am only asking
questions as they come to my head so that when I am READY to make my
EVER of sourdough bread I will have a better understanding of how it
all goes together. I
fully understand the concept of fiddle a bit to find what works for
the individual person and
the starter they have chosen to use.

I haven't yet had the chance to "DROP the BALL" or "DO the YEAST
THING". I took
quite a lot of time before I attempted a starter and until my starter
becomes satisfactory to
me I am still taking a lot of time reading and trying to understand
in simple terms ( I am
trying to also get my kids interested and they don't understand
overblown explanations I
have seen on a few websites) what is going on in the making of
sourdough bread.

I am perfectly happy take time doing things right and wasting
materials when I don't feel things are going as well as they should
be. I can take time waiting for a loaf to proof. And am willing to ask
questions along the way.

Asking questions is not taking the easy way out....that is how people
have always asking people who KNOW BETTER than themselves...

So while I am honestly not offended...I suggest you take some time to
think before making generalised and sweeping comments about people
whom you know nothing about "People Like Julie " do not appreciate it
very much.


Cheers to you.
