Is this fry pan trashed now?
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Is this fry pan trashed now?
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 21:53:13 -0000,
Lewis) wrote:
>According to Frank <frankdotlogullo@comcastperiodnet>:
>> Now, I wouldn't say you're all here
If you can lead me to a primary
>> source that says teflon may cause cancer, I'd like to see it. You are
>> more likely to generate carcinogens just by cooking food.
>While not specifically authoritive, the summary and references should suit:
>> I think teflon cookware is safe to use but lifetime is limited. Teflon
>> is plastic, you know. We have a 45 year old stainless Revereware frying
>> pan that we still use.
>One of the biproducts of heating teflon over 660F is carbon tetrafloride (CF4).
>Given how nasty carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is (including being a known
>carcinogen), CF4 can't be good for you, carcinogenic or otherwise.
>The FDA's appears to have concluded that teflon pans are perfectly safe,
>unless they're overheated, at which point they emit toxic fumes which can
>cause adverse effects relatively quickly.
Does anyone actually believe one word the FDA publishes? With their
track record???!!!!
>All that said, there was some research published a year or two ago that
>pointed out that fried food (regardless of pan type) causes an increased
>cancer risk.
>[We use both teflon and cast iron pans, and are very careful about not
>overheating teflon. Aside from possible toxicity, it shortens the
>lifetime of the pan. Even without overheating, most teflon pans have
>a useable "non-stick" lifespan of only 2-4 years. Tho, higher end
>pans (much thicker substrates, eg: Analon) will last considerably longer.]
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