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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default Peach ice cream and phone calls

Christine Dabney wrote:
> >I get great chocolate ice cream using the recipe that came with my
> >Cuisinart machine.

> How chocolatey is this? I love deep dark chocolate... Milk chocolate
> doesn't do it for me at all. If this is more bittersweet than not,
> then I might like it.

It is quite chocolatey. I sometimes only use 4 and it is still quite
strong. However, I suppose it is basically milk chocolate when you eat it,
since there is only 5 oz. of chocolate in 32 oz of liquid. I do not eat
milk chocolate bars, only the dark, but I couldn't see myself adding any
more than the 5 oz.

It is really good chocolate ice cream, and for some reason the texture has
always been terrific.