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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Old Fashioned Ice cream

On Aug 16, 10:58?am, Christine Dabney > wrote:
> Okay..
> Now that we are talking about ice cream here..I have a question. This
> is related to the type of ice cream I used to get as a kid and a young
> adult.
> It seemed to me that ice cream of that time, say about 30+ years ago,
> was "chewier". It had texture..and was dense. When you bit into it,
> and took a bite of it, it just seemed like you had to chew it more.
> It was good that way. I don't know what made it that way, but I love
> it. The ice creams these days don't have that heft...that chewiness.
> Maybe I am blowing smoke, but do you all know what I mean? And more
> important, how do you achieve that in homemade ice cream?

Because mass produced ice creams whip in extra air to make it fluffier
and lighter, it's called "over run". All national brands whip in
extra air, some more than others. but they all do it. The only way to
get the old fashioned ice cream that you remember is to make your own
or to go to an old fashioned ice cream parlor that makes their own on
the premises and does not sell nationally or even regionally, it's all
made and all consumed/sold on premises. Even so called national brand
premium ice creams are not really premium, why, because there's no
quality control once it's out of the hands of the manufacturer; it
will never be kept at proper temperature and it will always pick up
noxious odors. Arguing quality/premium ice creams and those shipped
from point of manufacture in the same breath is pure lunacy, only
absolute imbeciles think any ice cream sold at the stupidmarket is
premium, those folks are certifiably mentally retarded Haagen Dazs
is NOT premium ice cream, not even close, actually it's crap... it
does not really qualify as ice cream at all, because of all the sugary
goop in most of it's versions it's more a confection, really just a
frozen candy bar.

If it's factory packaged it's not premium ice cream, only that you
make yourself or hand dipped from a made on premises ice cream parlor
qualifies as premium ice cream.
