Dee Dee said...
> "ChattyCathy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Vote now! (or not)
>> Also got this one from a member of the Cabal (TINC) who told me it
>> necessary to mention any names. So I won't.
>> --
>> Cheers
>> Chatty Cathy
>> Garlic: the element without which life as we know it would be impossible
> I looked for the words, "jug of wine," but I didn't see it in the
> I didn't think it qualified, so I had to vote "no."
> Dee Dee
Dee Dee
Wine by the box is acceptable at my table any time o' day! <G>
My first time at my Sis-In-Law's summer house, there was a dinner triangle
and rod to call for dinner hanging on the kitchen wall. Well, while she was
making breakfast I picked it up and rang it to wake up the house. She
scolded me (if looks could kill!!!), I thought for no good reason, but it
had a different meaning. All the house came down and they all started
making drinks! At 9am. How was I supposed to know??? The day was a goner!
My Sis-In-Law never liked me.
Country Mouse Stupid