Steve Wertz wrote:
> On 16 Aug 2007 17:02:21 GMT, Default User wrote:
> > Steve Wertz wrote:
> >
> >> but there are other
> >> newsreaders that allow you to do more actions on the filtered
> >> posts.
> >
> > I never really want to do anything but wish them into the cornfield.
> In my case, my filter rules chow my posts, and any follupts to my
> post in a different color in the header pane. So If I', just
> trying to catch up on a thread, I can immediately see if I need
> to read any responses to my posts, and to hell with everyone
> elses :-)
Yeah, my newsreader does that but not through the filtering system.
It's in the Options under Colours and Fonts.
> I can also set different flags (keep, watch, ignore, etc..) based
> on who the poster is or anything else int he headers.
I don't bother with that. I never want to keep anything.
> IOW, I use my score file/filters for things other than just
> discarding posts/users.
I'm pretty binary in that regard. It either stays or goes. Dumbasses
get killfiled because they waste my time. When pressed for time, I use
on-the-fly heuristics like, "this thread's dumb, skip the rest".
If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
won't shut up.
-- Dorothy Gambrell (