One time on Usenet, "Default User" > said:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
> >
> >
> > Vote now! (or not)
> >
> > Also got this one from a member of the Cabal (TINC) who told me it
> > wasn't necessary to mention any names. So I won't.
> You're missing the obvious choice of "sometimes".
We use a pitcher once per year, on Christmas morning. My mother
started a tradition of orange juice and fresh blueberry muffins each
year before we would open presents. We (DH, DS, & I) still do, using
the same pitcher and mug set that belonged to my dad's mom. I keep
wondering if I should get rid of it (I need hutch space), since I
only use it once per year. I probably won't...
Jani in WA