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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Whole ducks, with head on

Christine Dabney wrote:

<bit of snipping>
> With the NM cook-in coming up in two weeks, I am thinking of duck
> stock, for some odd reason, plus duck fat..... Mostly the duck
> fat....
> I am not sure what I am asking here..but if I get one of these I want
> to know how to cook it. I have tried recipes before, but haven't been
> the most sucessful at cooking these... Do any of you have tried and
> true recipes...that will yield a good amount of duck fat..and maybe
> even yield duck stock from the carcass..... Plus it has to be
> delicious....

Question: do you have a rotisserie thingumy? I seem to remember you
mentioned once that you had either bought one, or were thinking of buying
one, dunno. Anyhoo, I have roasted a duck on our rotisserie in the oven and
it came out pretty good. (The fat dripped off into the drip-tray). Nothing
stopping you making stock from the carcass either.
> Do the duck feet yield anything? The neck? I would have to cut the
> head and feet off....

I would use the neck for stock too, but as for the feet, not a clue All
the ducks I have bought have been beheaded and de-footed (is that a word?).
Chatty Cathy

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