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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Philly Cheesesteak

"Vilco" > ha scritto nel messaggio
Heh, leftover fiorentina would be a novelty for me
> --
> Vilco

Then how about this one? Mince your own lean beef. Mince very finely a
clove of garlic. Mix them together with a bit of salt. Pile the meat
mixture onto 1/2 of a baguette, spreading it around to cover the bread. The
other half of the baguette is lightly oiled.

Put the meat side under a very hot grill for a few minutes until the beef
browns but is rare inside. A couple of minutes before you think it will be
done, slip the naked one under the grill and toast it. Rub with garlic like
a bruschetta when it comes out. Then smear it generously with Roquefort or
Gorgonzola. Put the two halves together and eat like a maialino.