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Robert Klute[_2_] Robert Klute[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 283
Default Sorta dumb question

On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 16:45:11 -0000, maxine in ri >

>My sister was in a good mood last night (a rare occurance at any time,
>much less recently) and gave me a jar of stuff she had failed to make
>into sorbet. She suggested using it for a lemonade like drink or
>adding it to seltzer for a spritzer, but I'd like to try and make it
>into sorbet, but don't know how.
>Advice welcome, insults go back where you came from

Sorbet, or sherbet, is made just like ice cream. If you have an ice
cream maker just use that. If not, you could make granita.

Easiest way to make granita is to pour the jar of stuff into largest
surface area jelly roll/8x8/9x13 pan that will fit flat in the freezer
and freeze it. Every 20 - 30 minutes take the pan out and use a fork
and scrape the mixture until it is broken into small bits - sorta slushy
looking in the beginning.