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Default green lamp oven?

In article om>,
> On Aug 13, 7:08 pm, dke3591 > wrote:
> > Maybe I'm dreaming, but about the mid 1990's I vaguely remember a new
> > cooking technology, actually a new type of oven being talked about, if
> > not sold. Supposedly it used some kind of green lamp to cook food, and
> > was supposedly similar to a convection oven, but more like microwave
> > cooking speed, and I believe the manufacturer claimed that foods
> > didn't get weird in there the same way some foods get in the microwave
> > oven. I tried to Google this, but cannot find one shred of info about
> > this oven. What happened to this technology? Thanks.

> I remember seeing it in an ad in the newpaper IIRC now, however that
> person who showed it to me always read rags like the National
> Enquirer, Star, etc., so maybe it was some bogus fluke or even a scam.
> I know it wasn't an Easy Bake, it was an "adult" oven, and it said
> something like the green rays are so intense and concentrated. I'm
> thinking maybe some kind of infra-red deal where the light may have
> appeared green for some reason (the military uses IR vision which
> appears green). Whatever this is, it must have been nixed right away.
> Thanks for the replies. Just curious if anyone else ever heard of
> this. If this was during the 70's, I most definately would have been
> high ;-)

Might it be this beast?