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Blair P. Houghton Blair P. Houghton is offline
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Default What kind of food town is Austin?

Chris Marksberry > wrote:
>"Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
>> Christine Dabney wrote:
>>> I keep on seeing stuff about how Austin is a good food town. I keep
>>> on thinking it might be nice to take a contract there....
>>> Would I be disappointed foodwise?
>>> Tell me about Austin, foodwise.... Sell it to me...give me the
>>> goods...

>> If I'm not mistaken, the world's largest Whole Foods
>> market is in Austin.

>I don't know if it has the largest Whole Foods, but Whole Foods was founded

I've talked to people who've been there, and it certainly
sounds like it must be the largest; probably twice the size
of one of the chained-out instances. And very different,
more like a marketplace, with food-court like stalls along
all the walls.

>If you get bored in Austin, San Antonio is only about an 1-1/2 hour drive

And from there it's only a hop and a skip and a couple of
state highways to Shiner for beers, then up a bit to
Dallas for Sonny Bryan's BBQ.
