popcorn storage ???
cybercat wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Sheldon wrote:
>>> I freeze my popcorn, but at the fast rate you use popcorn you don't
>>> need to worry about storage... keep it in closed jars at room
>>> temperature... only thing I suggest is to add a tsp of water to each
>>> jar. The corn will absorb the water and it will pop better. Often
>>> the bulk popcorn sold is not packaged very well and may not be very
>>> fresh either, most times it has lost moisture and it is the moisture
>>> that enables it to to pop
>> Adding water to corn kernels. Are you trying to get him to make all his
>> popping corn rot?
> What do you think? He is Sheldon, after all.
I've also read to add that small bit of water and refrigerate unpopped corn.