popcorn storage ???
Dave FRAUD Smith wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > no mold will grow so long as the water is absorbed by the corn... no
> > one said to add cups of water... one or two tsps per pound is all.
> > Dry foods are not dry, even dry pasta contains about 18pct water, I've
> > never had dry pasta go moldy. Dry beans contain about 7pct water...
> > popcorn needs to contain at least 13pct water to pop properly.
> Indeed. And they are stored in containers that keep them dry. Those are the
> water content levels where they can be stored.
> > Many rfc'ers are assholes (totally brainless), they don't belong in a
> > kitchen.
> > Sheldon
> Sheldon, who should be looking in a mirror.
At least I can, your ugliness would break the mirror
So easy to hook the lowest bottom feeder... Dave Smith (phony name) is
the smallest minded biggest liar here.