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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Old Fashioned Ice cream

On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 04:34:30 -0700, sf wrote:

>On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 10:23:37 +0100, "Ophelia" > wrote:
>>sf wrote:
>>> On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 13:03:31 -0600, Christine Dabney
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I already have an ice cream maker, two in fact. I was under the
>>>> impression I can make gelato in a regular ice cream maker anyway.
>>> I have and it was good.

>>Recipe please sf??

>The recipe was on my hard drive that died last summer. I *thought*
>I'd posted it to rfc in 2005 around the time of the Scharffen Berger
>threads (which inspired me) but I've utterly failed trying to find it.

Is this it? You posted this back in 2004.


Chocolate Gelato

1 cup (extra fine) sugar
2 cups whole milk
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted
4 oz bar of (Ghiradelli) bittersweet chocolate
4 egg yolks, lightly beaten

1. In a saucepan, warm 1 cup of milk with the sugar over
moderate heat until bubbles form around the sides, stirring

2. Whisk together the egg yolks in a bowl and gradually
pour in the warmed milk/sugar, whisking as you pour. (If
you made chunky custard, strain and pour back into the pan).

3. Cook over low to moderate heat, stirring constantly,
scraping the bottom and sides until the custard thickens
enough to coat a spatula.

4. Coarsely chop the bittersweet chocolate and stir into
the hot custard mixture. Stir until smooth.

5. In another saucepan, warm the other cup of milk and
whisk in the cocoa powder. Bring almost to a boil over
moderate heat. Remove.

6. Whisk the chocolate mixture into the custard a little at
a time. Mix well. Chill thoroughly.

Freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Makes about 3 cups