Don't let meat or mayo get warm
"Julianne" writes:
>When I was a kid, my neighbor's Mom was from France.
Who gives a flying **** where that unbathed **** is from, and being from that
cesspool of yellow bellied spineless terrorist lovers is being from nowhere.
>When we wanted mayo
>for a sandwich, she would whip up a couple of egg yolks and lord knows what
>else for our sandwiches. (And we ate it, raw eggs and all.) My
>understanding is that real mayo is made in such a way that very bad things
>could happen if left at room temperature but the stuff we buy off the shelf
>is hardly the same risk.
When you say "left at room temperature" how many weeks you tawkin'?
Commercial mayo (ie. Best Foods, etc.) sits on the stupidmarket shelf often up
to a year, and longer, before it's purchased, and not necessarily in a climate
controlled envionment (many markets aren't air conditioned), and those mayo
jars are NOT vacuum sealed (so make sure that plastic band is intact). There
is no reason one could not remove the lid from a jar of mayo, scoop out a blob
with a clean implement, replace the cap and leave it out on the counter for
many months... that mayo will not spoil if that's all that occurs... but that's
not what occurs, folks poke food laden implements into the mayo, deep down and
stirred about as they do their scooping... the mayo quickly becomes
*contaminated*, and so the manufacturers recommend refrigeration. If homemade
mayo were prepared under sterile conditions with pasterized eggs then it would
not need refrigeration either, but duplicating those conditions at home is just
not a possibility.
Plain mayo in of itself just doesn't breed bacteria all that quickly,
especially not commercial mayo... it's primarilly what's mixed with mayo that
affects spoilage, especially in the short term... the typical tuna salad
sandwich prepared in the AM and stored at room temperature for a school lunch
just will not breed enough bacteria by noontime to cause illness... a tuna
salad sandwich left at room temperature for 5-6 hours will not cause someone
with a normal immune system to become ill, but left in the school desk until
the next day's lunch (or out in the hot sun all day at a picnic) is not a good
When you say don't let the mayo get warm, how warm you tawkin'... shit, yer
fridge is warm compared with your freezer.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."