Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Mealtime in the Garden of Gross and Unappetizing
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Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: Mealtime in the Garden of Gross and Unappetizing
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(Ubiquitous) wrote:
> SLop gives us a condescending dissertation on the difference between
> French bread and the Italian bread she has in front of her, then says
> "I'm going to slice this French bread...". She saws the breasd in half
> lengthwise and then smears one half with "petso" and the other other
> half with a jar of roasted garlic.
And then PUTS THE LOAF BACK TOGETHER to heat it -- I thought sure she'd
bake it open face to toast the topping sides. So instead of 2 different
breads that taste different, she has 2 different breads that taste the
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