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serene serene is offline
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Default popcorn storage ???

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Serene > wrote:
>> Omelet wrote:

>>> I vaguely recall seeing actual microwave popcorn poppers available?

>> Probably, but we don't have a microwave, either. :-)

> Oh my!
> Funny that. We lived with no MW for many years.
> The last 2 that died were replaced the same day!
> And we use it mostly for warming leftovers.... <G>
> But, I must confess, we eat a LOT of leftovers!

We eat a fair bit of leftovers, but it seems to work fine reheating
them in the toaster oven or on the stove. Once in a great while I
wish I had a microwave for one reason or other (usually to cook
something from frozen), but not usually.

>> I like popcorn that's been popped in oil SO much more than any other
>> way that I just do that now. James bought me a contraption that
>> stirs the stuff, but all my life, I've mostly just made it in a pan.

> Same here, except at work and we've always just bought those pre-bagged.
> I'd like to save money and make those bags myself which is why I asked
> about it.

*nodnod* I have worked in offices where it's not okay to pop
microwave popcorn because so many people burn it and that smell is
the worst smell on the planet. :-)

> We have a 'frige at work so I can take butter.
>> When I'm going on a road trip or whatever, I pop a bunch, salt it,
>> let it cool, then pack it into big ziploc bags. I don't mind it
>> when it's a little stale.
>> Serene

> As long as it's not mushy. :-)

Heh. No water on my popcorn, thanks!

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