(2007-08-19) New survey on the RFC site: Hot coffee
"Becca" > wrote in message
> Omelet wrote:
>> I gave up coffee for health reasons on the advice of a
>> gastroenterologist.
>> He was right.
> Caffeine was not good for me, so I stopped drinking coffee on June 15th.
> This is the 3rd time I have given up caffeine, but after a few years roll
> by, I start drinking it again. I will try to be stronger this time. We
> will see how long it lasts.<g>
> Becca
I've given up coffee so many times in the last 20 years. The last time I
threw out all the coffee pots. (thre out: a euphamism, please!) so I
wouldn't be tempted. Although I do drink it when I'm away from the house,
only maybe half of my cup.
After seeing Alton Brown's espresso show I believe it was Friday or
Saturday, I bought the espresso machine he was touting. It's on its way --
the bad thing is that the burr grinder will cost another fortune. I'll
going to have to do some research - and I've subscribed to alt.coffee.
First figure out the grinder, then the beans.
Dee Dee who drinks, tea mostly all day, coffee, wine, and a beer now and
then - no hard liquor or sodas.