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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default popcorn storage ???

On Aug 19, 9:49 pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news >
> > I'll have to look for "butter spray".
> > That's a new one on me. ;-)

> You can get butter flavored sprays, like Weight Watcher's brand. They are
> located by the baking sprays such as PAM. It's not really butter, but there
> is a bit of butter in it for the flavor so no good if you have a dairy
> allergy like I do. Only problem with those sprays is you wind up using like
> 1/2 the can to get enough on there to make the salt stick.

Buy Diamond Crystal brand popcorn salt. That's our choice for table
salt. Regular grind is too gritty for me tastes.

> And they're probably loaded with transfats.
> My brother eats the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray. He says there's
> no transfats in it, but it does have to be refrigerated.

Asshole companies put the words, "Zero grams transfat per serving" on
the labels*.
Less savvy people are thereby deceived. If you clarify the butter,
that will rid it of the small amounts of milk solids (proteins), and
from what I've gathered, no one is allergic to clarified butter.

* The CEOs of those companies should be executed by firing squad.

Dust to Dust
