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kilikini kilikini is offline
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Default Quesadilla at Taco Bell

Jerry Sauk wrote:
> "kilikini" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Jerry Sauk wrote:
>>> "The Truthful Assh0le" > wrote in message
>>>> On Aug 17, 4:49 pm, Steve Wertz > wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 13:07:10 -0500, Jerry Sauk wrote:
>>>>>> I never said I go there twice a day, every day. That's a lie.
>>>>> How about Subway? (Which you quickly gave up because it was too
>>>>> healthy)
>>>> One way Subway helps people reduce is that it tastes awful. Very
>>>> near the bottom of the fast food universe.
>>>>> -sw
>>>> --Bryan
>>> Unconstructive post. Please back up your opinions with FACTS and
>>> not insults.

>> When Subway only had their white and wheat breads, I did not care
>> for their subs. Since they've upgraded their bread, I think the
>> chain is decent; all-be-it-pricey. Granted, Quiznos is much more
>> expensive, but truth be told, if I want a good sub sandwich, I can
>> go to my local Publix grocery store, spend under $5 and get a
>> sandwich for at least 3 lunches. (Well, those are *my* sized
>> lunches.)
>> Jerry, you would love a Publix sub! They STUFF their sandwiches!
>> You get a meat-filled, anti-pasta salad on your choice of bread.
>> Not to sound gross, (ahem), but, I can't get my mouth around one,
>> they're so full of goodies. Loaded with veggies, meat and cheese,
>> these things just fall apart in your hands.
>> Dang, I wish you had a Publix. You wouldn't be disappointed.
>> kili

> I tried Quizno's once, and I didn't care for it. We Later lost the
> franchise, but I think it's back now, I think even in the same
> building.
> What the hell is anti-pasta?

Anti-pasta is typically an Italian salad with oil and vinegar dressing and
usually served with meat. Anti = opposite, so really it means anything that
isn't pasta. Most American-Italian restaurants mean salad. I just used
that term because Publix uses oil and vinegar on their subs and they're
loaded with veggies.

By the way, I went to Quiznos 3 times. All 3 times I was disappointed. I
ordered a sandwich the fist time. Ho hum. I got a salad the second time.
Ho Hum. And I got soup the third time. Same deal. I figured I'd try it 3
times, get different items, just to be fair. When I got the sandwich the
first time, they were out of cheese. Come on, a Sub shop out of cheese????
Quiznos is way overpriced and way overrated, in my opinion.
