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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Yet another sugar beat up

Phred wrote:
> The ninemsn "health" page has a spiel on sugar this evening.
> <>
> Opinions are attributed at length to so-called author and health
> expert Jennifer Jefferies.
> <quoting an extract>
> The average person consumes in excess of 50 kilograms of sugar per
> year! So why do we continue to consume so much of it? Because sugars
> are hidden in everything.
> </quoting>
> Now, I don't know about the good ole USA, but here in Oz the only
> "hidden" sugars I'm aware of are those in fresh food -- especially
> fruit and some vegetables.
> All processed tinned/packeted food carries a label stating how much
> carbohydrate is in the product -- values are provided for both total
> CHO and the sugar component. If it's "hidden" it's because people
> don't read the flamin' label!
> And another line atributed to the good Jennifer: If you want to
> sweeten foods stick with raw honey, molasses or real maple syrup...
> Molasses? So "manufactured" sugar is death, but the molasses made in
> the same process is okay?
> Cheers, Phred.

At least in the US the concept of savory seems to have disappeared. It
seems almost everything has (lots of) HFCS in it and people have become
used to the idea that there is no other taste except sugar and salt.

I like to taste the food I am eating. Take tomatoes for example. If you
get say a typical pizza or anything with red sauce on it in a big box
restaurant or store its as if "tomato jam" was used because it is
impossible to taste anything except sugar.

So you are getting lots of sugar and probably not even realizing it.