(2007-08-19) New survey on the RFC site: Hot coffee
Dave Smith wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
> >
> > Ugh. One year I bought my parents a nice drip coffee maker
> > for Christmas hoping they'd retire that nasty percolator. They
> > always used it after that when we were over. Heh, they probably
> > used the percolator when we weren't there. Who knows. Gawd
> > their coffee was vile, talk about burnt. Ugh. And they'd serve it
> > with milk ... about a pint later you might notice a difference in the
> > black shade of your cup of coffee.
> My sister in law loves coffee, or so she claims. She has a very expensive
> drip maker, designed to turn out a pot of coffee in less than one minute.
> She buys cheap, pre ground coffee and makes it weak. It is horrible
> stuff. I have to zip my lip when she raves about her coffee, but when she
> has coffee here she complains that it is too strong. I offer to add some
> boiling water to it bt she soldiers on.
Ick, weak coffee is like... tea... no body. As the old commercial said -
what's a swamp? leaves and water, what's tea? leaves and water.