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Default Yet another sugar beat up

On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 11:01:43 GMT, (Phred)

>The ninemsn "health" page has a spiel on sugar this evening.
>Opinions are attributed at length to so-called author and health
>expert Jennifer Jefferies.
><quoting an extract>
>The average person consumes in excess of 50 kilograms of sugar per
>year! So why do we continue to consume so much of it? Because sugars
>are hidden in everything.
>Now, I don't know about the good ole USA, but here in Oz the only
>"hidden" sugars I'm aware of are those in fresh food -- especially
>fruit and some vegetables.
>All processed tinned/packeted food carries a label stating how much
>carbohydrate is in the product -- values are provided for both total
>CHO and the sugar component. If it's "hidden" it's because people
>don't read the flamin' label!
>And another line atributed to the good Jennifer: If you want to
>sweeten foods stick with raw honey, molasses or real maple syrup...
>Molasses? So "manufactured" sugar is death, but the molasses made in
>the same process is okay?
>Cheers, Phred.

and sugar from a bee's ass is definitely o.k.

your pal,