popcorn storage ???
Omelet wrote:
> Leftover meats do go very well in Salads!
Leftover meat? What's that? :-)
(We eat meat so seldom, and it's so expensive, that I usually buy
just what I need for the meal -- three sausages for the three of us,
for instance -- and then if someone else shows up for our
open-door-dinner-policy, I stretch it somehow (for example, by
cutting up the sausages into slices instead of serving them whole).)
> I've even made thinly sliced rib-eye steak into salads. It's wonderful.
Sounds yummy.
Yesterday, I was at Guy's, and at his house, there's *always*
leftover meat. :-) I took a steak, cut it thinly, warmed it in some
butter for just long enough to take the chill off it, salted it, and
served it to him that way. He ate it like there would never be
another piece of steak, ever. :-)
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"Once we agree on the obvious, all the complicated shit falls
into place." -- RJ's grandmother