Thread: Bobby Flay
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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Bobby Flay

On 2007-08-20, Default User > wrote:

> Or you misremembered.

I "misremembered" nothing.

> work indicates that he does NOT advocate it.

I wouldn't know, I pay no attention to him.

> At best you can say he once did.

I clarified that in my follow up post.

> Perhaps he was educated by another professional.


> Ah, now we get to the heart of the matter.

The heart of your matter, maybe.

> isn't it? You just don't like him.....

True enough.

> you'll take any excuse to
> denigrate his skills.

Please point out where I said anything whatsoever about his skills.

You are free to interpret what I said any way you like, just as I am
free to dislike BF, but let's keep the facts straight. He wrote it, I
read it, and I mentioned nothing about his skills. End of story.
