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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default Frozen food storage

> wrote in message
> As I was washing the plastice jars from two large jars of Ragu and Prego
> sauce a
> while ago, I wondered, could one of these jars be used to freeze the
> leftover
> sauce? I know there will be leftovers, and although I have a lot of
> plastic
> freezer containers, I don't have one that's great for sauce like this. Any
> harm?
> The top screws on tight enough. Thanks.

I see only one problem, the jar style. If you look at the glass freezer
jars, they have a wide mouth straight top while the typical glass jar has a
narrower top and shoulders at the neck.

Even though yours are plastic, they would be subjected to the same forces as
the glass. When the sauce freezes it will expand and break the top portion
from pressure. Plastic may or may not break as it will probably bulge
outward first. I've frozen half bottles of water with good results (I fill
the rest with water and have a cold drink for a long time), I'd not take the
chance with a sauce and a full jar. It could crack or worse.