Thread: Bobby Flay
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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default Bobby Flay's Speech Impediment

Kyle wrote:

> Speaking for myself, I don't have animosity towards Flay; I'm merely
> annoyed by him. His food is Chili's-calibre; his culinary repertoire
> is limited; and he's a miserable speaker, constantly garbling his
> words and sentences. I saw a show once where he pronounced the word
> "chipotle" differently each time he said it. Flay also has the speech
> impediment which plagues Jacko; instead of "reputation" Flay says
> "weputation." It's very annoying.

You should have heard him trying to say "molcajete" on one of his older
shows. As near as I can reproduce what he said, it came out

Let's not also forget that his was the voice-over chosen to promote
"Gwillin' and Chillin'" week on Food Network.

Even so, I've noticed that his cooking on Iron Chef America has become more
varied and interesting these last couple of years, and that's what people
REALLY ought to care about, isn't it?
