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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Frozen food storage

On Aug 20, 11:09?pm, "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote:
> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote in message
> > zzzzzzzzz.........

> > Leave some headroom (space) at the top of the jar when filling, and leave
> > the lids loose until the contents are frozen. Same as you would if using
> > glass. Do you need the clouds to part and the friggin' voice of god to
> > explain this? You just got exactly that.

> Does not necessarily solve the problem. Too much headspace = too much air.
> Some plastics will still bulge. Some plastics are not made for freezing and
> do not perform as well and can crack.
> Do you need the clouds to part and the friggin' voice of god to explain
> this? You just got exactly that.

Correct, regardless the shape of container and filling precautions the
container can crack/shatter... liquids like sauce have a higher
viscosity, a frozen ridge will form where the top surface meets the
container and so will expand outward at a greater rate than they
expand upwards. I don't know why anyone would want to freeze foods in
cylindrical containers anyway, they waste too much precious freezer
space... I use those new so-called disposable rectangular plastic
containers, they stack like bricks with just enough sapce for good air
circulation... and they are quite reusable, just don't attempt to
remove the lids while still frozen solid. The lids seem to be made of
a different plastic from the bodies and are more prone to breakage
when frozen.

That said I've never experienced a breakage problem freezing bottles
of vodka.
