Salmon pics
Gunner wrote:
> This is not to denigrate Steve's pics or his fish..... As a Photog I
> appreciate people's pics and as a cook I appreciate reading his methods, but
> your comment "Salmon that has cooked fast enough to
> exude fat will have a different texture than if it's cooked slower and ends
> up with a smooth, dry surface" definatively means nothing to me. So no, I
> really do not think I missed "the point" at all.
It's a cooking thing, not a photographer thing.
Cooking too fast or at too high heat melts the fat and causes
it to seep out. The same is true for other products like smoked
sausage. If it ends up on the exterior, or sitting at the bottom of
your cooker, it's not in the interior. Less fat and moisture
in the interior results in a different texture and mouthfeel.
That's not to say that one way is better than the other. That's
subjective, and I like it all ways depending on my mood and
what it's being used for. But it definitely changes the result.