On Tue, 21 Aug 2007, Mark Anderson wrote:
> In article says...
>> Full disclosu about twice a year I get an order of 'chicken only,
>> original recipe' as a guilty pleasure, even though the original
>> mixture of spices is long gone. Never touch any of those awful side
>> dishes. -aem
> I too go there about once a year but last year I walked in and when I
> saw that almost every customer there weighed in excess of 300 pounds I
> walked out never to return again.
people are funny...
today there were these two really huge women in the cafeteria, and one
walked past the steam tables and was complaining to her friend, "they got
too many vegetables".
I saw them at their table later, and they had chicken nuggets, chili, lots
and lots of packs of saltines, a big chocochip cookie, and one lady had
both one of those giant 3 serving Arizona Iced Teas in a can, AND a
"fountain drink".