Yet another sugar beat up
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:56:11 -0700, Sheldon > wrote:
>smithfarm wrote:
>> You can only get molasses by boiling the sugar cane juice.
>That's not true.... molasses is also made from sugar beets, sorghum...
>When you
>> are boiling sugar, it's a whole solution.
><pondering unintelligible scrawl>
>The sugar crystallizes out
>> of it and you are left with molasses.
>"it"? A Bubba Bill wannabe.
>English is not your primary language?
>molasses [muh-LAS-sihz]
>During the refining of sugar cane and sugar beets, the juice squeezed
>from these plants is boiled to a syrupy mixture from which sugar
>crystals are extracted.
Yes, been there, seen that a lot.
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farmers of Pure Kona