Hurricane near Cancun
Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
> On Aug 21, 11:07 am, Omelet > wrote:
>>In article >,
>> Steve Wertz > wrote:
>>>On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 05:39:04 -0700, Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
>>>>Not totally off topic. Whenever I hear, "Cancun," it reminds me of
>>>>something I told my nephew a few years ago. I told him that if anyone
>>>>asks him when he gets back, "How was Cancun?" that he should reply,
>>>>"It's not quite as good as fresh coon, but I enjoyed it."
>>>Did you hear about the big tanker full of mayonnaise coming out
>>>of Mexico that sank on May 5th?
>>That's what Cinko De Mayo is all about...
> Here in the Ozarks, coon's vittles. Even better'n possum.
I've tried raccoon. Even marinated, braised and spiced it wasn't
anything I'd go out of my way to eat unless maybe I had kwashiorkor.
Nevertheless, just about anything would probably be better than possum.
A gal I knew grew up in the Ozarks. Meat wasn't on the table every
day and what there was was usually shot or trapped locally. She and her
sibs grew up knowing what body hunger felt like - hunger that goes
beyond the belly. And even so she'd pass on possum unless somebody
caught one live and they could pen it up and feed it clean food for a
week or so.