In article <yfHyi.77871$rX4.45576@pd7urf2no>,
ellen wickberg > wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > I have about 5-6 cups of milled plum puree for Plum Something, where
> > Something is Butter, Ketchup, or Barbecue Sauce. Butter is way in the
> > lead; the stuff is *awesome* with pork.
> >
> > --->>> Has anyone ever frozen pulp for later use making butter? I'd
> > like to enter Plum Butter next year but would prefer to make it shortly
> > before the Fair rather than now. Ellen? What do you think?
> Barb,
> Since you cook the puree for quite a while making butter, I can't think
> of any reason that you couldn't just freeze the puree. What could
> change/happen that wouldn't be taken care of by the further cooking you
> have to do with the sugar to make the butter? I haven't done it ( not
> having a great amount of plum since we sold our house with tree 22 years
> ago). Be sure to let us know (next year) if there is any reason not to
> do this.
> Ellen
Thanks, ma'am. I'm thinking I'll freeze maybe three cups and then
vacuum seal it for the freezer. The stuff is really thick and I'm
thinking it won't require an awful lot of cooking (for evaporation of
liquid) when I make it into butter.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - Fair baking