Yet another sugar beat up
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Yet another sugar beat up
In article >,
>On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:58:01 GMT,
>>In article >, Goomba38
> > wrote:
>>>Phred wrote:
>>>> And another line atributed to the good Jennifer: If you want to
>>>> sweeten foods stick with raw honey, molasses or real maple syrup...
>>>> Molasses? So "manufactured" sugar is death, but the molasses made in
>>>> the same process is okay?
>>>Perhaps that molasses also provides nutrients (iron) was her trade off
>>>point? I dunno...?
>>Could be. Provided the iron is still in a chemical state that can be
>>absorbed after it's been through the mill.
>You can only get molasses by boiling the sugar cane juice. When you
>are boiling sugar, it's a whole solution. The sugar crystallizes out
>of it and you are left with molasses.
It's not just a matter of crushing, filtering, and cooking for hours.
There's also a "clarification" stage involving lime and flocculents
added to the juice to, well, err... clarify it before it goes to the
evaporators to begin the "cooking" stages.
Cheers, Phred.
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