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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default To Wash or Not to Wash....

On Aug 22, 10:54 am, Marcella Peek > wrote:
> In article >, Tracy > wrote:
> > Do you wash?

> > -Tracy

> Meats? No. I've always heard that the drippy water spreads more stuff
> around than it washes away.
> Produce I always wash though. I was horrified when taking a cooking
> class at a local store. The "chef" was making a salad with greens and
> pear and used the greens right out of the bag (which I know is supposed
> to be ok but is slightly icky to me) and said there was no need to wash
> the pear because it was organic. huh? There's no dirt, bugs or bird
> poop on organic farms?
> marcella

People seem to be misled about organic to the same degree they are
about those "health" stores that sell things advertised as "all
natural." Well, I suspect botulism is all natural, too, along with
lots of other icky bacteria.

I wash all poultry, under the faucet with running water, never so that
what runs off accumulates somewhere. That's the only protein I wash.

I wash all greens and produce. Right out of the bag, if you indulge
in those, they are very, very dry, and just plain tough and
unappetizing. Crisping them up in a spinner and some further
refrigeration makes them a lot better.
